Remarkable Rwanda

Land of a Thousand Hills

Rwanda ranks among the world’s most exiting emergent ecotourism destinations. Few would have expected it 20 years ago, when a long-simmering civil war erupted into a tragic genocide in which up to a million people died. But more than two decades of subsequent political stability have seen Rwanda emerge as one of the most economically vibrant and socially progressive countries in Africa.

Doing Business

Rwanda’s economy is among the fastest growing in Africa. The ease of doing business has improved and the Rwanda Development Board continues to promote, stimulate and facilitate investors and business development.

Rwanda Development Board (RDB)


Rwanda is the world’s premier gorilla-tracking destination. But there is much to see there besides gorillas. The mountain-ringed inland sea that is lake Kivu; the immense Nyungwe Forest National Park with its chimpanzees, monkeys and rare birds; the wil savannah of Agakera National Park – and, perhaps above it all, the endless succession of steep cultivated mountains that have justifiably earned Rwanda the soubriquets ‘Land of a Thousand Hills’ and ‘The Switzerland of Africa’. It’s a wonderful place to visit.

Rwanda Tourism